Off Platform Scams
In order to avoid scams, we offer an escrow service. Many of the deals completed off-platform result in scams both from the buyers' and sellers' sides. The best way to avoid scams is by only completing deals through our escrow service.
Scammers will convince buyers to send them funds through, PayPal (friends and family) or another payment app, and will then ghost the buyer.
This can also be the other way around where the Scammer convinces the seller into giving over their account before paying or by finding a way to chargeback their payment.
Phishing Scams
In phishing scams, users of Fameswap may get messages from scammers pretending to work for Fameswap. When you are emailing Fameswap always ensure that the email address is an official Fameswap address ( These scammers will try to trick users into giving them the account, or payment by saying the transaction needs to be done "manually" because it is too large, etc.
Above is an example of what these emails may look like. Note that we will never handle login transactions through email regardless of the amount.
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